
2009香港名牌巡禮 2







「TOP 嘜」核准服務類別







「Jackeline綠葉療膚中心」注重品質及服務,全線分店均通過「ISO 9001:2000」品質管理認證,認證範圍為「提供暗瘡護理服務及皮膚護理產品」。集團重視服務質素,堅持「以人為本,以客為先」的集團理念,為員工提供職前培訓及各種相關的專業培訓,確保治療技術達到專業水準。「Jackeline綠葉療膚中心」發揚「真心、用心、貼心」的服務精神,除了為顧客提供度身訂造的治療服務之外,更定期致電顧客的康復進度,給予實際和精神上的支持。


「Jackeline綠葉療膚中心」的優質服務及熱心公益的精神受到社會廣泛認同,曾獲得多項獎項嘉許,例如「香港服務名牌」、「良心品牌大獎」、「新城中學 生最喜愛品牌大獎」、「最具實力品牌大獎」、「商界展關懷」、「盛世優秀社責大獎」、「創意創業大賞(企業組)等。


HK Top Service Brand

Wits for Win

Promise? Dare say, dare do. Service? Shining smile, patrons come-Dr Yang Xiao Ling, Group Chief Executive Officer of Jackeline Beauty International Group Limited.

Company Profile

Jackeline Beauty Salon was established in 1985 by Dr Yang Xiao Ling,an experienced expert in treating dermatitis. It has now become a skin-care group specializing in acne therapy and has set up a professional training college. With the principle of “Beauty glows from health”, Jackeline has provided relief to thousands of people with acne problem, building up its reputation in the industry. The company has also risen to fame by playing an active role in the public service and charity. For example, it has implemented the Ching Chung Programme, which consists of health talks for the youth and free skin-treatment for the needy.


Track of Glory

Jackeline’s success lies in profession and specialization. By focusing on treatment, the brand could concentrate resources and sharpen tis forte. Due to the prominent curative effect and the niche promotional campaigns, which leverage on real cases, Jackeline has successfully built up the image of “Skin caring expert. “

Quality is another success factor of Jackeline. All its six branches have attained “ISO 9001:2000”certification. And all cosmetologists it employs are required to attend a series of professional training courses to ensure identically high standard of service. Persistence in offering wholly-hearted and tailor-made services has won Jackeline word of mouth among customers.

By dint of superior service and strong commitment to charity, Jackeline has won a number of awards in recent years, such as “Hong Kong Top Service Brand Award”,””Caring Company”, “Innovative Entrepreneur of the Year” and “Prime Award for CSR. “

Brand Name: Jackeline Beauty Salon

Time of Establishment:1985

Company Name: Aorta International Association(Far East)Limited


Hong Kong Top Service(2008)

Main Services

Acne Curing, Skincare

Retail(Skincare Products)

“Top Mark” registered Service Categories”

Skin Treatment and Consultation

Retail (Skincare Products)