Media:Volunteer 2

20120402 22期企業議工通訊訪問_出cover


回復自信 茁壯成長





利用專業 服務他人


愛自己 愛家人

為加強父母與子女之間的溝通,中心於2009年的「青蔥綠葉行動-青少年健康人生培育計劃」中籌辦了粵劇慈善晚會,以「愛自己 愛家人」為題,透過安排青少年與父母一同欣賞粵劇,增進彼此之間的關係。而為了讓更多青少年受惠,中心一直與香港路德會社會服務處、中華錫安(社會服務部)及香港基督少年軍等多個福利機構緊密合作策劃義工項目以配合他們的需要。

重拾自信 培養健康生活



The Chingchung Volunteer Campaign

Jackeline Beauty Salon

“Treat the Acne, live your lives healthy and fully”is the aimes of ChingChung Volunteer Campaign started from 2006. The volunteer programme was targeted to those adolescent aged 12 to 19. The content of the programme include free acne treatment, heal talks and career guidance. To meet difference needs of the adolescents, the company used to plan and organize the volunteer work with different NGOS.Miss Jackeline Yang said: “Volunteering provides positive power to the company. If the seniors could fully support and join the volunteering together with the staffs, corporate culture in volunteering could be built up. Apart from it, when getting recognition from the society and their family, the staffs could be more active in joining volunteering continuously and could be gradually integrated volunteering into their life.

Yuen Yuen-lun, one of the beneficiary, shared that he always wears face mask to cover the acne and was reluctant to get out before receiving the free treatment, my acne problem could only be controlled by medication. However, as my family could no longer support me to continue the medication, I could only give up the treatment. Fortunately,thanks the volunteer beauty consultant, my acne was finally cured. To help the needy, I would join volunteering like them.



  1. 透過健康生活既皮膚護理講座,鼓勵青少年及家人建立健康的生活模式。
  2. 綠葉療膚中心創辦人楊小玲女士積極鼓勵運用專業知識參與企業義務工作。
  3. 綠葉義工隊將繼續運用企業專長服務有需要的人士。
  4. 青年職業先導計劃協助青年人發掘職業志趣,並為投身社會做好準備。
  5. 綠葉義工隊為低收入家庭的青少年提供免費暗瘡治療服務讓他們回復自信。
  6. 義工治療師細心地為袁偉倫進行治療。
  7. 袁偉倫非常感謝義工治療師Jans、Tiffany及Kars為他們進行專業治療使他重拾自信。